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Life, private or professional, is full of surprises, challenges and obstacles. Emotions of absolute high like success, joy or happiness are often followed by doubts, mistakes or uncertainties. They usually also occur in waves, one after the other and could even partly overlap. We often miss a balance between them. There are countless aids that are intended to help us through our everyday life so that we can master them better but mostly they are just well-intentioned advice that is difficult to implement or outdated calendar sayings.

The solution to many big and difficult questions in life does not always have to spring from a big theory. It's often the small and simple things that explain life in a way we can all understand. For me, the best guide to life is a "simple" pencil. You do not believe me? See for yourself.

Create your future – but do it in pencil. The road ahead is as long as you make it. Make it worth the trip

Jon Bon Jovi

Let’s have a minute and take a good look at a new pencil. It doesn't matter what the pencil looks like. It can be a classic yellow hexagon shape one or a round, brightly printed pencil. Now imagine that this pencil represents you and the impact you would like to make in your private life as well as your professional life. Here are the 5 most important lessons I've learned.

      First Lesson
We know that in order for it to become a useful pencil, it needs to be sharpened from time to time. Nobody can draw a clear, fine and above all clean line when the lead is worn out. If this pencil could feel as we do as humans, I imagine how painful such sharpening would be, going under the knife. Much the same, we also go through painful "sharpening" processes in life. We experience many painful moments and challenges, but it is through those challenges we have the opportunity to build our character and be able to grow to something much bigger and better.

      Second Lesson:
Obviously, we make thousands of mistakes during our life. Most mistakes or wrong decisions we are able to correct, just like the little eraser at the end of the pencil would delete a wrong word. That’s why we have to learn that mistakes are not just "mistakes". They are lessons and opportunities we can use to do better the next time. Yet, we must remember that no matter how much we erase something, there will always be a small trace of the original line to see.

      Third Lesson:
Our life on earth and what we do is limited, just like that of a pencil. Don't avoid using the pencil now and save it for later just because you're afraid you won't "draw" enough impact in a later period of life. At the same time, don't waste your entire pencil on the first opportunity that arises. The wiser you use the pencil, the more experience you gain and the more impact you can make throughout your entire life.

      Fourth Lesson:
Remember that any place where you speak, write, present or interact with people, you leave your mark. Just like the pencil. The more you do it, the more you write your own great story. Be proud of all pages because it is YOUR story and never forget that words have great power. Also, remember that mistakes, in the form of opportunities, will always be your companion.

      Fifth Lesson
This is arguably the most important lesson in life. It doesn't matter how beautiful the pencil looks on the outside, how long it is or how well it fits your hand. Always remember the most important part of a pencil is what's inside (the lead with which you write). The same goes for you. Treat your inside well and stay honest to yourself because there you will find your strength. Don't throw your pencil on the floor and protect it from too many external influences so that the lead doesn't break and you can keep on writing.

The moral of the story is simple. Create your future - but do it in pencil. Don't be afraid of mistakes or painful experiences. They are lessons and opportunities which enable you to grow into something great. Don't be afraid to make a point or draw a line but never forget that everything you do leaves a mark, no matter how much you overwrite it. Don't be afraid of what others may say about you and always protect your inside from external and internal negative influences.

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